Thinking is a dynamic state of motion.

Monday 9 April 2018


Running with you the Sales Rep

Yes as a rep, you are always being hounded by your Boss man re your closure rate/ conversation rate.

Amazing that about 64% of reps do not hit their targets, I wonder why, HERE IS WHY

- lack of sales techniques up skilling
- do not know where they are in their sales process and buyers in their buying process
- have not gone through with client prospects the correct questions to ask
- did not do consultative selling , then solution selling and while this was happening was not building the right level of relationships (ABR)always building relationships.

Master Closers do many things, here are few-

- look when to see logic vs emotion or both at the same time
- over comes clients fear factor in making a go decision
- can handle any objection thrown at him
- he is always closing(abc) through out his journey with the client
- knows money is always the issue

cool, many more,

Till next time go sell Your way to Success.

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